
Queue up and come down the rabbit hole. Flask-Coney makes it very easy to connect your flask application with eachother. On this page examples on how to integrate Flask-Coney are shown. For the complete guide, checkout the API documentation on the Coney class.

A Minimal Application

For the common case of having one Flask application all you have to do is to create your Flask application, load the configuration of choice and then create the Coney object by passing it the application.

Once created, that object can be used to decorate functions, which consume messages send to certain queues and to publish message:

from flask import Flask
from flask_coney import Coney

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["CONEY_BROKER_URI"] = "amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq"
coney = Coney(app)

def test_queue(ch, method, props, body):

coney.publish("Hi", routing_key="test")